No matter how many vegetables you include in your dog’s homemade diet, you cannot make it complete and balanced. Why?
Cooking meat kills bacteria. Meat can become contaminated by bacteria in the following ways:
Here at Hearthstone Homemade, we are all about spicing up dog food! Just like us, it keeps dogs, especially the little, finicky guys and gals, interested in their meals.
Grains are carbohydrates. But so are the potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, and tapioca used in grain-free diets. So, why is one type of carbohydrate given the bad name “filler” and another type of carbohydrate considered better nutrition? Read more...
Coconut, flaxseed, olive, palm, and walnut oils contain essential fatty acids in an undifferentiated or unrefined state. They are like pumping crude oil straight from the well into your car’s tank. Unrefined oil will clog and destroy your car’s engine. Read more...